ARCHIVES - Projects In Descending Order...

  • March 12-14, 2025 - I write, direct, act in (cameo) and work backstage on my full-length play I Have Angered a Great God at Tarrant County College's Theatre Southeast. Very bare bones student cast and crew. Despite very challenging production process, it came off a-okay.
  • September 7, 2024 -  I am invited out to MC the 30th One Day Only! (a 24 hour play event) presented by Rover Dramawerks at the Cox Playhouse in Plano, TX. I started the event back in May of 2000 and co-produced the next three. Since 2004, Rover has continued the project. It was nice of them to think of me and bring me back to MC the event.
  • September 6 - 8, 2024 - I perform my solo show The Beast of Hyperborea at the Ft. Worth Fringe Festival. First time performing the show myself since 2019. Fun show to do.
  • August 2 & 4, 2024 - I'm invited to present my solo show Robert's Eternal Goldfish at the 2024 Festival of Independent Theatres at Theatre Three in Dallas, TX. I am given the "mystery show" slot.
  • June 12, 2024 - Publish the Spanish language version of my play I Brought Home a Chupacabra (now called Traje un Chupacabras a Casa). Big gratitude to Frida Espinosa Müller for the translation help. Available on .
  • April 17 - 19, 2024 - I direct Brian Parks' Enterprise at Tarrant County College Southeast Campus (where I am a faculty member) with a student cast and crew.
  • April 5, 2024 - The Beast of Hyperborea at South West Theatre Conference 2024 in Little Rock, AR. I direct, Swearingen performs.
  • February 23, 2024 - The Beast of Hyperborea at TEXFest 2024 in Victoria, TX. I direct, Swearingen performs. Wins Outstanding Production Award.
  • Nov 11, 2023 - Fun Grip at Dallas Comedy Club. 10 pm.
  • October 24, 2023 - Release day for my book Crafting the Solo Show. Available on Amazon.
  • October 4-6, 2023 - I direct Clay McLeod Chapman's Volume of Smoke at Tarrant County College Southeast Campus (where I am a faculty member) with a student cast and crew.
  • September 22, 2023 - Fun Grip at Dallas Comedy Club. 10 pm. Special Guest Nadia DeWolf from Self-Diagnosed sitting in.
  • September 7-10, 2023 - Jeff and I take my solo show The Beast of Hyperborea to the 2023 Elgin Fringe. Playing at the upstairs space at the Side Street Studio.
  • August 10 - 13, 2023 -  I direct my friend and colleague Jeff Swearingen in my play The Beast of Hyperborea at the Benson Theatre in Omaha, NE. Part of the 2023 Omaha Fringe. Road trip.
  • July 7, 2023 - Fun Grip at Dallas Comedy Club. 10 pm.
  • June 17, 2023 - Fun Grip at Theatre Too! Downstairs at Theatre Three, Dallas TX. Split bill with Mama Tried. 8 pm.
  • June 2, 2023 - Fun Grip at Dallas Comedy Club. 10 pm. CANCELLED: Pride Week
  • June 2 & 3, 2023 - Perform Robert's Eternal Goldfish at the 2023 Tyler Texas Fringe Festival, Tyler Junior College, Tyler, TX.
  • May 5, 2023 - Fun Grip at Dallas Comedy Club. 10 pm.
  • April 7, 2023 - Fun Grip at Dallas Comedy Club. 10 pm.
  • March 3, 2023 - Fun Grip at Dallas Comedy Club. 10 pm.
  • February 27 - March 2, 2023 - Attended KCACTF- Region 6 Conference in Abilene, TX. Took some workshops (one good one, several okay) and saw some productions by other colleges (one good one, three crappy). got to tour the Van Ellis Theatre at Hardin-Simmons. It was designed from an idea by Paul Baker, though the TD didn't seem to be up on the history of it much.
  • February 22 - 24, 2023 - Direct two student written ten-minute plays at Tarrant County College, Southeast Campus. The plays were The Friendship Application by Blake Roper and I'm Thinking by DaShaun Ellis.
  • January 20, 2023 - Fun Grip at Stomping Ground Theatre. 9 pm.
  • January 7, 2023 - Fun Grip at Dallas Comedy Club. 7 pm.
  • December 3, 2022 - Fun Grip  at the Dallas Comedy Club. 7 pm.
  • November 16-18, 2022 - My play Que Sera, Giant Monster gets an educational premiere at Tarrant County College Southeast Campus with a student cast and crew. Directed by Me.
  • September 12, 2022 - Audacity Theatre Lab hosts an informal table read of Que Sera, Giant Monster at TCC-SE. Actors Jeff Swearingen, Natalie Young, Kim Lyle and Emily Faith jumped in and generously volunteered their time and talent to read.
  • October 1, 2022 - Fun Grip  at the Dallas Comedy Club. 7 pm. Split bill with Mama Tried.
  • September 9 - 11, 2022 - Performed Robert's Eternal Goldfish at the Fort Worth Fringe. In the Vault space at the Ft. Worth Community Arts Center. 
  • September 3, 2022 - Fun Grip  at the Dallas Comedy Club. 7 pm. Split bill with Mama Tried.
  • August 19, 2022 - Fun Grip  at the Dallas Comedy Club. 8 pm. Split bill with Mama Tried.
  • July 15, 2022 - Fun Grip  at the Dallas Comedy Club. 8 pm. Split bill with Mama Tried.
  • July 9, 2022 - Fun Grip  at the Big Weekend of Improv. 9 pm. Produced by the Alternative Comedy Theater. At the Addison Water Tower Theatre Studio.
  • July 1, 2022 - Fun Grip  at the Dallas Comedy Club. 8 pm. Split bill with Mama Tried.
  • June 23 - 26, 2022 - Performed Robert's Eternal Goldfish at the Denver Fringe. Shows were at not-great time slots... 5 pm. Venue was the back room at the Blue Moon Brewery.
  • June 17, 2022 - Fun Grip  at the Dallas Comedy Club. 8 pm. Split bill with Mama Tried.
  • June 3, 2022 - Fun Grip  at the Dallas Comedy Club. 8 pm. Split bill with Mama Tried.
  • May 20, 2022 - Fun Grip  at the Dallas Comedy Club. 8 pm. Split bill with Mama Tried.
  • May 6, 2022 - Fun Grip back at the Dallas Comedy Club. 8 pm. I get stuck in traffic and miss most of the set. Made it on for the last scene.  
  • April 20 - 22, 2022 - Directed David Ives' All In The Timing (including Sure Thing, The Philadelphia, Variations on the Death of Trotsky and Words Words Words) with a student cast and crew at Tarrant County College-Southeast Campus, Grand Prairie, TX.
  • March 17, 2022 - Return of Fun Grip. Play Dallas Comedy Club. 8 pm
  • December 29, 2021 - Published paperback picture book for kids called Petey Gale Goes Up and Beyond on I wrote and drew the book for my kiddo, Dave Bones.
  • October 11 - November 8, 2021 - Took an improv class at Alternative Comedy Theatre, 1121 Hampshire Ln, Richardson TX 75080. It involved the One Act Play format and was conducted by Shea Smith. Good fun.
  • May 25, 2021 - Published an ebook version of my solo play Chop. Grant Knutson was nice enough to supply the forward.
  • April 26 - May 5, 2021 - Directed a student play by Jesse Humphreys called 30 Seconds for the Tarrant Country College-Southeast Campus' Festival of New Plays. It was presented as a "digital" performance and featured student actors Quanard Carter, Kalumbu Tshibangu and Liberty Ward.
  • March 6 - April 3, 2021 - Took a five-week, once-a-week solo performance workshop with Paul Stein. Great workshop hosted by VS. Theatre in Los Angeles. The sessions were done via Zoom each Saturday afternoon.
  • October 8-31, 2020 - Direct and co-write (with Jeff Hernandez) Daylan Hillis in Space. Part of the 22nd Annual FIT - "virtual" this year - featuring Jeff Swearingen. This :digital theate" project plays "on demand" almost all month.
  • November 13 - 16, 2019 - Direct Kat Hamilton's student play Going Up? for TCC-SE's Festival of New Plays. Great group of student actors and crew.
  • September 27 & 28, 2019 -  Perform Cyrano A-Go-Go at the Theatre Crude Fringe in Oklahoma City. Family gets to come see it.
  • September 12-15, 2019 - Perform Cyrano A-Go-Go at the Elgin Fringe Festival in Illinois. Won a nice award.
  • August 15, 2019 - Publish a paperback collection of short plays entitled Incorrigible Stage. Includes Raspberry Fizz, Dinosaur and Robot Stop a Train and I Brought Home a Chupacabra. Available on
  • July 13 - August 3, 2019 - Wrote and performed new solo show The Beast of Hyperborea at the 2019 Festival of Independent Theatres at the Bath House Cultural Center, Dallas TX.
  • June 6-16, 2019 -  The fifth and final Dallas Solo Fest takes place at Theatre Too downstairs at Theatre Three, Dallas TX. Included Based On Actual Events by Jaye Lee Vocque, Brigham Mosley’s Critical, Darling!, Cyrano A-Go-Go by Brad McEntire, Justin Lemieux’s Girl Dad, Keeping Up With the Jorgensons by Jeremy Julian Greco, Carmel Clavin’s The Marvelous Musical Mechanical Maiden, Melanie Moseley’s Sexology: The Musical! and Who You Calling a Bitch!?! By Sacha Elie.
  • April 1, 2019 - Last Audacity Solo Salon. At Margo Jones Theatre, Fair Park, Dallas TX. With Justin Lemiuex, Erin Singleton, and Tyler Cochran. Hosted by me.
  • March 19 & 21, 2019 - Playwriting workshops at H Grady Spruce High School in Dallas, TX for Junior Players.
  • March 4 & 6, 2019 - Playwriting workshops at Molina High School in Dallas, TX for Junior Players.
  • February 15-23, 2019 - My play QUE SERA, GIANT MONSTER recieves a developmental production with Acadiana Repertory Theatre in Lafayette, LA.
  • December 7, 14 & 21, 2019 - Perform the role of Santa in Greg Silva's DECK THE HALLS WITH BRAINS at the Stomping Ground Comedy Theatre, Dallas TX.
  • October 5 & 12, 2019 - I perform ROBERT'S ETERNAL GOLDFISH at the Stomping Ground Comedy Theatre, Dallas TX.
  • September 13-16, 2019 - I perform ROBERT'S ETERNAL GOLDFISH at the Elgin Fringe Festival, at the Side Street Studio Arts' Backspace, 15 1/2 Zeigler Ct., Elgin, IL 60120. Win "Spirit of the Fringe" Award.
  • August 26, 2019 - A new Cultivated Playwright Podcast website is put out into the world to be HQ of the li'l podcast that could.
  • August 14-18, 2019 - I perform ROBERT'S ETERNAL GOLDFISH at the Nanaimo Fringe Festival, at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 80 Commercial Street (Dodd Narrows Room), Nanaimo, BC V9R 5J8 Canada.
  • August 11-13, 2019 - I have two "one minute plays" in the 5th Annual One-Minute Play Fest with Kitchen Dog Theatre. My plays were RETHINKING AFFORDABLE and LOVE IN THE TIME OF FILTER BUBBLES.
  • August 3-11, 2019 - I perform ROBERT'S ETERNAL GOLDFISH at the Minnesota Fringe Festival, at the University of Minnesota's Rarig Center's Xperimental Theatre in Minneapolis.
  • July 26-28, 2018 - My play QUE SERA, GIANT MONSTER is featured in two staged readings. it is one of three winners of Wordsmyth Theatre's Texas Playwright's Festival. Readings at Stages Repertory Theatrea, Houston TX.
  • June 6-10, 2018 - The 2018 Dallas Solo Fest. I produce. Played at Rosewood Center for the Family Arts (home of Dallas Childrens Theatre). Performers included John S. Davies, Jim Loucks, Chris Davis, Nkechi Chibueze, John Michael and Cody Clark.
  • April 16, 2018 - ROBERT'S ETERNAL GOLDFISH at Margo Jones Theatre, Dallas TX. A one-night fund-raiser for the 2018 Dallas Solo Fest. Sparce attendance, but went well and P-W-Y-C admission brought in about $160.
  • December 8 - 23, 2017 - My play LANGDON, THE SEASONAL BARISTA plays as part of Nouveau 47 Theatre's A Very Nouveau Holiday at the Magro Jones Theatre in Dallas, TX.
  • December 8 - 23, 2017 - I directed Jonathan Kravetz's play MR. CRISPY as part of Nouveau 47 Theatre's A Very Nouveau Holiday at the Magro Jones Theatre in Dallas, TX
  • August 20-22, 2017 - I have two "one minute plays" in the 4th Annual One-Minute Play Fest with Kitchen Dog Theatre.
  • August 17, 2017 - Hired to teach ESL online with VIPKID
  • August 10, 2017 - Teach an Intro to Improv workshop at S.T.A.G.E., Dallas TX.
  • June 19-30, 2017 - Taught Drama Camp for Junior Players at McKinney's Old Settler's Rec.
  • June 10, 2017 - Directed Madeleine Norton's one-act THE EXILE OF THAT MIGHTY CONQUEROR, NAPOLEON for Kitchen Dog Theater and Junior Players 2017 PUPFest, Booker T. Washington HSPVA
  • May 7, 2017 - I host the Spring 2017 Audacity Solo Salon at the Margo Jones Theatre, Dallas. Solo performers working on excerpts of their plays include Shelby Allison-Hibbs, Chris Sykes and Shayne Larango.
  • December 9-23, 2016 - my short play CRANDALL ON PLANET X-16 is included in a collection of holiday one-act plays called A Very Nouveau Holiday. Mine is directed by Chris McCreary. With Maggie Smith, Carson Wright and Andra Hunter. At the Margo Jones Theatre, Dallas TX. Produced by Nouveau 47 Theatre.
  • November 20, 2016 - I host the Autumn 2016 Audacity Solo Salon at the Margo Jones Theatre, Dallas. Solo performers working on excerpts of their plays include Mikey Abrams, Stefany Cambra and Isaac Young.
  • November 1 - December 7, 2016 - Was official participant in Will Power's Dallas Playwrights Workshop at SMU.
  • October 29-November 19, 2016 - I perform the role of George Westinghouse in Kevin Grammer's DREAMING ELECTRIC at the Orchre House Theatre, Dallas.
  • September 9-October 2, 2016 - My short play LIZARD BOY EATS A DORITO is performed by Robert Linder as part of Sundown Collaborative Theatre's WE ALL (STILL) MAKE MISTAKES, THE B SIDES: A DRUNKEN MIXTAPE
    SUNDOWN’S 5TH ANNUAL(ISH) SHORT WORKS FESTIVAL, Green Space Arts Collective, Denton, TX.
  • August 20-22, 2016 - In Portland, OR with ole Grant Knutson. Wrote first draft of 10-minute play CRANDALL ON PLANET X-16 one afternoon in a coffeeshop. Ate and drank well, saw old friends, made new ones.
  • August 12-19, 2016 - First ever writer-in-residence at the Kathy George Indie Artist Residency in Ashford, WA. Sponsored by Minion Productions. Worked on a first draft of a full-length play over the week.
  • June 2-12, 2016 - Produce the 3rd Annual Dallas Solo Fest. Features solo shows from David Mogolov, Brigham Mosley, Erin Singleton, Ryan Adam Wells, Diana Shortes, Eileen Tull, Vincent Mraz and Maggie Gallant.
  • May 16, 2016 - I am interviewed on the Big Little Scene Podcast about small, indie theatre and the Dallas Solo Fest. Thanks to co-hosts Kelsey Ervi and Jeremy Dumount
  • March 7, 2016 - I perform a 20 minute snippet of CYRANO A-GO-GO at a Solo Salon presented by The Tribe. At Deep Vellum Books in Deep Ellum.
  • March 6, 2016 - DINOSAUR AND ROBOT STOP A TRAIN is published as a Kindle ebook, available on
  • February 13, 2016 - THE SECRET ISLAND, my first comics-inspired kids book, is published as a Kindle ebook, available on
  • January 21-31, 2016 - I co-wrote (with jeff Hernandez), directed and designed NIGHT OF THE TARANTUBEARS. Playing at the Margo Jones Theatre, produced by Audacity Theatre Lab. Featuring Miller Pyke, Kasey Tackett, Brian Witkowwicz, Whitney Holotik and Dani Martin.
  • December 10-28, 2015 - My play THE YETI AT THE AIRPORT LOUNGE is included in Nouveau 47 Theatre's A Very Nouveau Holiday. Directed by Jim Kuenzer. Featuring DeWayne Blundell and Andra Laine Hunter.
  • November 12-22, 2015 - DINOSAUR AND ROBOT STOP A TRAIN co-production between Audacity Theatre Lab and Sundown Collaborative Theatre. I direct. Plays in Dallas, TX at the Margo Jones Theatre at Fair Park. Sparsely attended.
  • November 9, 2015 - I BROUGHT HOME A CHUPACABRA is published as a Kindle ebook, available on
  • October 30 - November 8, 2015 - DINOSAUR AND ROBOT STOP A TRAIN co-production between Audacity Theatre Lab and Sundown Collaborative Theatre. I direct. Plays in Denton, TX at the Point Bank Black Box space. Sparsely attended.
  • October 3 & 4, 2015 - ROBERT'S ETERNAL GOLDFISH plays the Scanton Fringe Festival, Forage Space, Scranton, Pennsylvania.
  • September 23, 2015 - Sample class at S.T.A.G.E. I'm covering a bit of improv and a bit of career design.
  • September 6, 2015 - Teaching a Youth Improv workshop at S.T.A.G.E., Dallas TX.
  • September 2, 2015 - Informal reading of my new play PRODOVILLE, a coproduction between Audacity Theatre Lab and Sundown Collaborative Theatre.
  • August 31, 2015 - Begin the fall 2015 semester teaching theatre and film at Tarrant County College.
  • August 27-29, 2015 - Seattle to Fresno Mini-Fringe sponsored by Minion Productions and the Rogue Fringe. CYRANO A-GO-GO plays at the Mia Cuppa Cafe, Fresno, California.
  • August 13-23, 2015 - CYRANO A-GO-GO at the Nanaimo Fringe Festival, British Columbia, Canada. Operating under the Minion Productions banner instead of Audacity. Shows at the Harbour City Theatre.
  • August 8-10, 2015 - Two of my one-minute-long plays appear in the 2nd Annual Dallas One Minute Play Festival sponsored by Kitchen Dog Theater. Shows are held at Southern Methodist University.
  • August 2, 2015 - I curate and host an Audacity Solo Salon at the Margo Jones Theatre. With pieces by Jeff HernandezErin Singleton and Jeffrey Colangelo.
  • August 1, 2015 - Episode 004 of the Rumbleshanks Tapes podcast is released.
  • July 28, 2015 - On drive back from California stop in Santa Fe, New Mexico and show Ruth around my old college.
  • July 23-26, 2015 - Attend VidCon at the Anaheim Convention Center in California. With Jeff Hernandez and Ruth. Eye-opening trip. Meet Casey Neistat.
  • July 8-15, 2015 - Family trip to Orlando, Florida. Visit Walt Disney World Resort to celebrate my niece's tenth birthday.
  • June 4-14, 2015 - I produce the 2nd Annual Dallas Solo Fest at the Margo Jones Theatre in Dallas' Fair Park. Eight performers present solo shows including Bremner Duthie, Brigham Mosley, Jill Vice, Carla Cackowski, Jeff Swearingen, Van Quattro, Kris Noteboom and Lesley Tsina.
  • May 16, 2015 - The third episode of the Rumbleshanks Tapes podcast is released.
  • May 1, 2015 - Cake and Prose. An evening of readings and music to celebrate the book release of David Hopkins' collection of short stories WE MISS ALL THE GREAT PARTIES. I read "Shappoing Mall at the End of the World" At the Margo Jones Theatre, Dallas.
  • April 9, 2015 - Second episode of the Rumbleshanks Tapes podcast is released on the arts and pop culture website Sensational Adventure Club.
  • April 5, 2015 - Offer free workshop for adult, emerging actors at S.T.A.G.E. Called "The Actor as a Freakin' Entrepreneur"
  • March 29, 2015 - Curating the spring 2015 Audacity Solo Salon. With John S. Davies, Lindsay Hayward and Kevin Fuld.
  • March 25-27, 2015 - CHOP plays at the southeast campus of Tarrant County Colllege, Arlington TX.
  • March 21, 2015 - Teach Playwriting Workshop for high school students. Sponsored by Junior Players. At Lakewood Public Library, Dallas TX.
  • March 17, 2015 - Participate in a staged reading of Zoe Kazan's play WE ARE HERE for Echo Theatre. At Bath House Cultural Center, Dallas TX.
  • March 9, 2015 - Line-up for the 2015 Dallas Solo Fest announced!
  • March 7-15, 2015 - CYRANO A-GO-GO plays at the 2015 Out of the Loop Fringe Festival. Wins a Best of Fest award.
  • January 29 - February 7, 2015 - CHOP plays at the Margo Jones Theatre in Dallas' Fair Park.
  • January 24, 2015 - first of The Rumbleshanks Tapes podcast comes out of Sensational Adventure Club website.
  • December 12, 2014 - The fall semester ends at Tarrant County College. I turn in grades and collapse in exhaustion.
  • December 11-21, 2014 - My one-act CORNER OFFICE SKYE is included in the collection of holiday-themed short plays called A VERY NOUVEAU HOLIDAY. Presented by Nouveau 47 Theatre. My play is directed by Becki McDonald.
  • December 8, 2014 - Presenting an excerpt of CYRANO A-GO-GO at the Audacity Solo Salon, Margo Jones Theatre, Fair Park, Dallas.
  • November 20 & 21, 2014 - Taught a series of workshops called "Making Your Characters Awesome Through Improv" at the 2014 Texas Thespians Festival. It was held at the Omni Hotel in Downtown Dallas and there were thousands of high school students attending all sorts of workshops. One of my workshops had 85 participants. They filled a ballroom. 85 is the most I have taught in a single class to date. It was awesome.
  • November 12-16, 2014 - I help Brandon Potter present his solo show SEX, DEATH AND LIGHT SWITCHES at the Margo Jones Theatre.
  • October 2-5, 2014 - Ruth and I take off to NYC to see Peter Brook's The Valley of Astonishment at Theatre for a New Audience. Also to see friends and eat meatballs.
  • August 28 & September 4, 2014 - I teach improv for adults workshops at S.T.A.G.E.
  • August 25, 2014 - The TCCD fall semester begins. As an adjunct I'm teaching Intro to Theatre and Intro to Cinema this semester.
  • August 25, 2014 - I curate the first Audacity Solo Salon. Three performers: Beth Bontley, Van Quattro and Steven Young try out exceprt from one-person plays. At the Margo jones Theatre.
  • August 20-22, 2014 - I emcee a fund-raiser for m friend and colleague Matt Tomlanovich called Helping Hands and Hyena Haikus: A Benefit for Matthew Tomlanovich. He was felled by MRSA last spring and the fund-raiser was to help out with the medical and hospital bills. At the Margo Jones Theatre.
  • August 15-17, 2014 - Robert Linder performs my short piece LIZARD BOY EATS A DORITO as part of  "A Mix Tape: We've Done It Again" series of short works by Sundown Collaborative Theatre. Plays at Margo jones Theatre in Dallas.
  • August 11-13, 2014 - Robert Linder performs my short piece LIZARD BOY EATS A DORITO as part of  "A Mix Tape: We've Done It Again" series of short works by Sundown Collaborative Theatre. Plays at Green Space Studio in Denton.
  • July 12, 2014 - I am performing a Dribble Funk Solo Improv at the Big Sexy Weekend of Improv. At the 7 PM slot with the troupes RAM (Dallas) and Shades of Brown (Austin, TX).
  • July 12, 2014 - I am teaching a workshop called "But I Suck at the Administrative Stuff" as part of the Big Sexy Weekend of Improv. AT the Margo jones Theatre, Fair Park, Dallas. Info HERE.
  • July 11, 2014 - I will be hosting the Monologue Jam at the 9 PM slot at the 6th Annual Big Sexy Weekend of Improv at the Margo Jones Theatre in Fair Park.
  • July 10, 2014 - FUN GRIP plays at the Margo Jones Theatre as part of the Big Sexy Weekend of Improv.
  • July 10-13, 2014 - Co-producing, via Audacity Theatre Lab and the Alternative Comedy Theater, the 6th Annual Dallas Big Sexy Weekend of Improv.
  • July 7-19, 2014 - Teaching Summer Drama Camp for Junior Players. Assigned to McKinney Recreation Center.
  • June 16-28, 2014 - Teaching Summer Drama Camp for Junior Players. Assigned to Fretz Recreation Center in Dallas. My niece is in my class.
  • June 14, 2014 - Spent all week directing student playwright Tom Mizell's play THE HOLDING FIX with a group of student actors. For Kitchen Dog Theater and Junior Player's PUPFest 2014. Staged Readings at the MAC at 1 pm and 4 pm. Admission free.
  • May 31, 2014 - My play ARSENIC AND ROSES was selected to be used in a workshop on Staged Readings at the Denton Community Theatre's Method and Madness Playwriting Festival and Competition. Conducted by Mandy Rausch and Tashina Richardson.
  • May 31, 2014 - I am participating in a panel discussion on being an independent playwright as part of Denton Community Theatre's Method and Madness Playwriting Festival and Competition. At the Point Bank Black Box in Denton. 10am -noon. Free.
  • May 27, 2014 - Began my first stint of summer school classes at Tarrant County College. Am teaching "Intro to Theatre" four days a week from 9:40-11:40 am until July 3.
  • May 15-25, 2014 - I am producing the first ever Dallas Solo Fest, bringing in solo performers from around the nation to raise awareness of and celebrate the solo show format for audiences in Dallas. It is the largest event I have produced to date... a national arts festival. Inaugural year includes Alexandra Tatarsky, Elaine Liner, John Michael, Danny O'Connor, Veronica Russell, Zeb L. West, Deanna Fleysher and David Mogolov.
  • March 16, 2014 - ROBERTS' ETERNAL GOLDFISH is selected as a 'Best of the Fest' at Out of the Loop. Invited to give an encore performance.
  • March 7-9, 2014 - My solo piece ROBERTS' ETERNAL GOLDFISH debuts at the 2014 Out of the Loop Fringe Festival at the Water Tower Theatre in Addison, TX.
  • March 1 & 2, 2014 - I'll be tabling at the 2014 Staple! Expo of Independent Media in Austin, Texas. Debut of my new comic "My Secret Island"
  • March 1, 2014 - I'm teaching a playwriting workshop for high schools at the Central branch of the Dallas Public Library. In conjunction with PUPFest, sponsored by Junior Players and Kitchen Dog Theater.
  • January 31 & February 1, 2014 - FUN GRIP plays at the Comedy Parlor in Tulsa OK. Also taught a workshop with Jeff. We did NOT impress. Ruth and I trapped in ice storm on drive back to Texas.
  • January 23 & 24, 2014 - My short solo piece I BROUGHT HOME A CHUPACABRA plays as part of the YOLO Solo fest. Directed by Ruth Engel-McEntire and featuring Lauren Moore.
  • January 21-26, 2014 - My theatre Audacity hosts the YOLO Solo Fest of one-person one-acts. Curated by journalist/solo performer Elaine Liner with pieces by me, Andi Allen, Bruce Coleman, Ben Scroth, Kate Lowry, Danny O'Connor, Kennedy Waterman and Natalie Gaupp.
  • January 14-26, 2014 - I direct Andy Eninger's THE LAST CASTRATO for Audacity at the Margo Jones Theatre in Dallas. Features Jeff Swearingen.
  • December 19-28, 2013 - My play RUDNICK THE CANDLE-HEADED BOY is included in a collection of ten one-acts called "A Very Nouveau Holiday." Ruth directs mine and a few others. Produced at the Margo Jones Theatre by Nouveau 47 Theatre.
  • November 16-December 7, 2013 - RASPBERRY FIZZ plays Saturdays at 2 PM at the Margo Jones Theatre in Fair Park. With curtain-opener performance of AV Phibes' GRADING ON  A CURVE. Both directed by me.
  • November 8-10, 2013 - CHOP plays SoloMania Fest in New Orleans. At the Shadow Box Theatre on St. Claude Avenue.
  • October 25, 2013 - I read audio fiction by David Hopkins. The story is called SIX SECONDS LEFT and is a co-production of Audacity Theatre Lab and Space-Gun Studios. Released on the Space-Gun website.
  • October 4-6, 2013 - RASPBERRY FIZZ plays at Bohemeo's in Houston, Texas as part of the 2013 Houston Fringe Festival.
  • September 1, 2013 - DRIBBLE FUNK 380. I perform solo improv for over 6 hours. Margo Jones Theatre in Fair Park, Dallas.
  • August 16-18, 2013 - Attending the Weapons of Mass Creation design conference in Cleveland, OH.
  • July 13, 2013 - FUN GRIP plays at the Improv Festival of Oklahoma (IFO).
  • July 1, 2013 -  FUN GRIP performs alongside The Band Wreckers at the Margo Jones Theatre in Fair Park. It is the inaugural 1st Monday Comedy Nite.
  • June 29, 2013 - I help Rhianna Mack with her day of spoken word poetry, music, shadow puppetry and visual art called 6IX CONFESSIONS at the Bath House Cultural Center. A co-production between Audacity Theatre Lab and True Artist Brand.
  • June 28 & 29, 2013 - I teach two week summer theatre camps at two different recreation centers for Junior Players. These camps culminate in performances of plays by the kids. Timberglen and Fretz Rec Centers were where I was assigned from June 17-28 this year.
  • June 15, 2013 - Directed BACON IS NOT KOSHER by student playwright Naomi Cohen at Kitchen Dog Theater and Junior Player's PUPFest 2013.
  • June 7-22, 2013 - My play DINOSAUR AND ROBOT STOP A TRAIN debuts at the 15th Annual Festival of Independent Theatres in Dallas TX. Performed by me and Jeff Swearingen.
  • April 20, 2013 - Participated in One Day Only! XX, the 20th 24-hour theatre event of the series. Produced by Rover Dramawerks. Started by me back in May of 2000. Went back to see how it had developed. Glad I did not continue doing them. Did manage to come out with new one-act called SHARK BITES AND SIDE EFFECTS.
  • April 12, 2013 - FUN GRIP plays at the 3rd Annual Improvised Play Festival at the Hideout Theatre in Austin TX. 
  • April 11-27, 2013 - My play CARTER STUBBS TAKES FLIGHT plays at the Green Space in Denton, TX. Written on commission for and produced by the Sundown Collaborative Theatre. Plays final weekend at Nouveau 47 Theatre in Dallas.
  • April 8, 2013 - Direct a reading Matt Lyle's play CAMP GIRLS AND THE GHOST MONK at Nouveau 47 Theatre in Dallas TX. For Audacity Theatre Lab.
  • March 9, 2013 - I'm leading a playwriting workshop for high schoolers at the Lakewood Branch Library in Dallas, TX. Sponsored by Junior Players and Kitchen Dog Theater's PUP Fest. 2- 4PM.
  • March 2 & 3, 2013 - I'll be at the STAPLE! Independent Media Expo in Austin selling art and books. Stop by my table.
  • March 1, 2013 - Attended No Shame at the Salvage Vanguard Theatre in Austin. Expected just to watch, but had a chance to read a piece. Pulled up BURDEN OF A LIGHT BLUE SHIRT on my phone.
  • February 20, 2013 - Teaching a workshop for Alternative Comedy Theatre entitled Creativity and the Improviser.
  • February 13-16, 2013 - Directing and designing short play by student playwright entitled IT'S A GAMER'S LIFE by Benjamin Murphy, at Tarrant County College, Arlington TX.
  • January 18, 2013 - PrintBombed the big Dallas Half Price Books with ten "Anything Is Possible" prints.
  • January 14, 2013 - the spring semester starts at Tarrant County College. I'm teaching film and theatre classes again (though one less than last semester... sigh).
  • January 12, 2013 - Hosted the 3rd Annual Winter Monologue Jam at Cafe Bohemia, Plano TX. Sponsored by the Alternative Comedy Theatre.
  • November 25, 2012 - FUN GRIP played Dyer Street Bar in an evening put together by the Alternative Comedy theatre. The Dyer is closing, so...
  • November 16, 2012 - A small indie movie that I'm in, VAMPS, BLOOD AND SMOKING GUNS gets a world premiere screening. I'm out of town and unable to attend.
  • November 16, 2012 - FUN GRIP plays at the Hideout in Austin. We are on a bill with the house troupe, Parallelagramaphonograph.
  • October 18, 2012 - Major redesign of the Audacity Theatre Lab website.
  • September 20-23, 2012 -  Perform CHOP at the Seattle Fringe Festival, Odd Duck Theatre.
  • September 6-8, 2012 -  CYRANO A-GO-GO plays at the Houston Fringe Festival. Also conduct a workshop at Frenetic Theatre called "Considerations For the Solo Performer."
  • August 15, 2012 - Sit in with ARTPROV at The Tank, NYC. Do the rare short-form set and first time doing musical improv in front of an audience.
  • August 14-25, 2012 - In NYC to present CHOP at the 2012 New York International Fringe Festival.
  • August 8-11, 2012 - In Vegas. My parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary.
  • July 27 & 28, 2012 - CHOP plays a three show engagement at the Magnolia Lounge (the Margo Jones Building) at Fair Park, Dallas. Co-sponsored by Audacity Theatre Lab and Nouveau 47 Theatre.
  • July 14, 2012 - Improv Benefit for CHOP at Cafe Bohemia, Plano TX. 9:30 PM. Sponsored by the Alternative Comedy Theatre. I perform an excerpt of CHOP.
  • June 18, 2012 - EYE IN THE SKY CD Release Party hosted by Audacity Theatre Lab and Nouveau 47 Theatre. I read Jeff Swearingen's piece I HATE ALTITUDE live.
  • June 2, 2012 - FUN GRIP performs at the Dyer Street Bar as part of Dallas' Big Sexy Weekend of Improv. 7 PM.
  • June 2, 2012 - Am an actor in a staged reading of Lauren Yee's play A MAN, HIS WIFE AND HIS HAT at Kitchen Dog Theater. Reading directed by John Flores.
  • June 1, 2012 - I host and curate a Monologue Jam at the Big Sexy Weekend of Improv, Dallas TX. 9 PM
  • June 1, 2012 - Noon-2PM. Dribble Funk Solo Improv Workshop at the Alternative Comedy Theatre, Dallas.
  • May 26, 2012 - I directed Staged Reading of W. T. White High School 11th grader Laney Morgan's play THE SCENT OF DESTINY at Junior Players/ Kitchen Dog Theater's PUP Fest. All high school student cast. Performed at 1PM and 4 PM. 
  • May 16, 2012 - My webcomic Donnie Rocket Toaster-Face turns 2 years old.
  • May 11, 2012 - FUN GRIP plays at the Hideout, Austin TX. On bill with the P-graphs. 10PM.
  • April 20 & 21, 2012 - CHOP plays the 10:30 PM late-night slot at the Overtime Theatre in San Antonio, TX.
  • April 13-May 12, 2012 - My play FOR THE LOVE OF AN ANESTHESIOLOGIST plays at the Overtime Theatre, San Antonio TX. Directed by Bryan Ortiz. 
  • March 20, 2012 - Release my collection of comics DONNIE ROCKET TOASTER-FACE, Vol. 1, available on
  • March 18-May 21, 2012 - teach Mondays after school at Dealey Montessori, Dallas TX. Theatre classes through Junior Players.
  • March 11-17, 2012 - Honeymoon cruise on Norwiegen Spirit, out of New Orleans. travel around western Caribbean.
  • March 3-10, 2012 - My play RASPBERRY FIZZ debuts at Addison Water Tower Theatre's 2012 Out of the Loop Fringe Festival.  Directed by Andy Baldwin. Featuring Jeff Swearingen, Natalie Young and Shane Beeson. Good reviews.
  • February 25, 2012 - I marry the wonderful Ruth Engel.
  • January 18, 2012 - Teach Dribble Funk Solo Improv workshop at Alternative Comedy Theatre. 
  • January 16, 2012 -  Begin teaching a new semester of Film Appreciation classes at Tarrant College Southeast Campus.
  • January 14, 2012 - 2nd Annual Monologue Jam at Cafe Bohemia, Plano TX, sponsored by Alternative Comedy theatre. I perform in a set with Jeff Swearingen and John Rawley. 
  • December 26, 2011 - FUN GRIP plays the Boxing Day Bash Improv Jam at the Dyer Street Bar, Dallas TX. Sponsored by the Alternative Comedy Theatre.
  • December 19-29, 2011 - Teach a youth drama class for Junior Players at Walnut Hill recreation center, Dallas TX.
  • December 15, 2011 - News that my new short play RASPBERRY FIZZ is accepted into the 2012 Out of the Loop Fringe Festival at Addison, Texas' Water Tower Theatre. In March TBA.
  • December 12, 2011 - My first and second graders perform their original play Orphans, Robots and Scientists at Dealey Montessori. This is the end of an eight week class.
  • December 10, 2011 - FUN GRIP plays with The Victims and Ron Reno at Pocket Sandwich Theatre, Dallas, TX.
  • December 8-31, 2011 - My play RUDNICK: THE CANDLE-HEADED BOY plays as part of Naked Holidays by EndTime Productions, New York City. Sells out opening weekend.
  • November 20, 2011 - Record Episodes 5 and 6 of the EYE IN THE SKY PROJECT for Audacity Theatre Lab. I perform and direct.
  • November 13, 2011 - shoot a small role in Alex Garcia Topete's independent film VAMPS, BLOOD & SMOKING GUNS.
  • November 6, 2011 - Guest Instructor workshopping with the all-girl longform improv group The Bandwreckers.
  • October 7-9, 2011 - Perform 13 hours of improv (in a 30 hour span) for Jeff Swearingen's fund-raising stunt Whole Whole Lotta Improv
  • August 11-13, 2011 - CHOP goes on at the Houston Fringe Festival. Awarded a "Producer's Pick."
  • July 31, 2011 - Solo Improv workshop with the fantastic Jill Bernard.
  • July 30, 2011 - FUN GRIP performs at the Improv Festival of Oklahoma.
  • July 22, 2011 - FUN GRIP performs a set for kids, outside, at Holy Nativity Episcopal Church in Plano. It is difficult and chaotic, but pays well.
  • July 16, 2011 - Swearingen and I perform an epic set of FUN GRIP at Pocket Sandwich Theater.
  • July 15, 2011 - I perform DRIBBLE FUNK SOLO IMPROV (long set) at Pocket Sandwich Theater, Dallas.
  • June 18, 2011 - My "oration" CYRANO A-GO-GO premiere's at the Green Zone Theatre, Dallas. 
  • June 11, 2011 - DRIBBLE FUNK SOLO IMPROV at Cafe Bohemia in Plano, TX.
  • June 11, 2011 - Direct Haleyna Kociuk's play HELL FREEZING OVER at Kitchen Dog Theatre for their PUPFEST Student Works Festival. 
  • June 4, 2011 - FUN GRIP plays the 3rd Annual Big Sexy Weekend of Improv. 
  • May 14, 2011 - FUN GRIP plays at Cafe Bohemia in Plano, TX. 
  • May 6 & 12, 2011 - I perform in the collaborative play I helped devise for Cara Mia Theatre Company back in 2005. The play is called the SIX FLAGS OF TEXAS, a bilingual time-travel epic. 
  • May 3, 2011 -  I'm in a commercial for First Choice Power.
  • April 15-17 - In Washington DC to see Peter Brook's FRAGMENTS at the Kennedy Center. Yoshi Oida is awesome!
  • April 9, 2011 - FUN GRIP plays "2 x 4" at Austin's Hideout Theatre. 
  • March 20-22, 2011 - In Seattle. Stay with my second cousin Richard and his partner Curt. Eat really well. 
  • March 20, 2011 - Conduct workshop called "Improv for the Solo Performer" at FUSE Theatre, Portland, OR.  
  • March 17-19 - Ruth and I venture to the Pacific Northwest. CHOP plays at the Portland Mini-Fringe. At the Fuse Theatre, 3430 SE Belmont Ave., Portland OR 97202.
  • March 8, 2011 - Invited in as Guest Speaker at Collin County College to talk to Theatre classes. Tell about my life and career and do short demo of a Dribble Funk Solo Improv. 
  • March 6-12, 2011 - World Premiere of my play I HAVE ANGERED A GREAT GOD at the Water Tower Theatre's Out of the Loop Fringe Festival, Addison TX. Cast includes myself, Jeff Hernandez, Angela Parsons, Oscar Contreras and Jeremy Whiteker.
  • March 3, 2011 - My short monologue piece "Ejecting A Cow" is published on 
  • February 12, 2011 - World Premiere of new format called MONOLOGUE JAM. Performed by myself, John Rawley and Jeff Swearingen at Cafe Bohemia Coffeehouse in Plano.  
  • January 17, 2011 - Begin teaching Film Appreciation at Tarrant County College SE Campus. Class doesn't make, so I sub randomly during the semester.
  • January 8, 2011 - Dribble Funk Solo Improv at Cafe Bohemia in Plano, TX at 9:30 PM. Sponsored by Alternative Comedy Theatre.
  • January 7, 2011 - Begin an eight week, Friday afternoon class. Teaching playwriting to youth at the McKinney Community Center. Through Junior Players.
  • December 30, 2010-January 3, 2011 - End the year in Las Vegas. Propose to the beautiful Ruth Engel on New Year's Eve. She says yes.
  • December 28, 2010 - FUN GRIP performs at the Dyer Street Bar, Dallas TX.
  • November 30, 2010 - My essay "The WHY Behind CHOP" is reprinted on the It was originally posted in the Audacity Theatre Lab blog, Notes From The Lab. The piece begins a month of coverage about CHOP and my experience taking it to the New Orleans Fringe Festival.
  • December 13, 2010 - Staged Readings of my plays I HAVE ANGERED A GREAT GOD and THE DOLPHINS OF MARS at the historic Magnolia Lounge in Fair Park, Dallas TX. Sponsored by Audacity Theatre Lab and Nouveau 47 Theatre.
  • November 16-21, 2010 - Perform CHOP at the New Orleans Fringe Festival.
  • November 13-15, 2010 - New York. Rehearsed CHOP with Andy Merkel. Stayed with A.V. Phibes. Coffee with playwrights Erin Courtney and Ben Sampson. Saw Grant's Tomb and the Broadway show BLOODY BLOODY ANDREW JACKSON. 
  • November 10-12, 2010 - In Philadelphia, staying with Playwright Greg Romero. Went to see Dan Hoyle's solo show THE REAL AMERICANS.
  • November 5, 2010 - Tell anecdotal stories about life in the theatre arts for Career Day at Shepard Junior High in Plano, Texas. Thanks to Fran for having me out.
  • November 3, 2010 - CHOP: Dallas benefit performance (free) November 3rd at 7:30 PM, The Continental Lofts, 3311 Elm Street, Dallas, TX 75226 (Between Trunk & 2nd Ave. in Deep Ellum). To raise awareness, donations and get "sea legs" back before heading off to New Orleans.
  • October 17, 2010 - EYE IN THE SKY episode 3 is posted on the Audacity Theatre Lab website. I acted in as well as directed and curated this project.
  • October 2, 2010 - Perform Fun Grip in Oklahoma City with Red Dirt Improv. IAO Gallery, 9 PM.
  • September 24, 2010 - Perform Dribble Funk Solo set at Pocket Sandwich Theatre, Dallas TX. On bill with The Hindenbergs and The Victims
  • September 16, 2010 - Conduct a Dribble Funk Solo Improv workshop, Texas Woman's University Theatre Department.
  • September 8, 2010 - Hatch idea for blog.
  • August 29, 2010 - Record EYE IN THE SKY Episode 3 for Audacity Theatre Lab.
  • August 28, 2010 - Am guest monologuist for an Armando set perfomed by The Victims. I sit in and jam the second set with them.
  • August 27, 2010 - Perform DRIBBLE FUNK solo set at Pocket Sandwich Theatre, Dallas TX. On bill with The Hindenbergs and The Victims.
  • July 30, 2010 - FUN GRIP plays The Spectacle at Austin's The Hideout (7th and Congress). Performing with Parallelogramophonograph. 10 PM.
  • July 23, 2010 - FUN GRIP plays the Big Sexy Improv Weekend at Addison Water Tower Theatre's Stone Cottage. 8:15 PM. Performing with Gangs of Recess and Cold Towne Tourco.
  • June 25, 2010 - My friend and colleague Jeff Swearingen is set to perform a project he calls Jeff Swearingen Reads the Shittiest Play Ever Written and I am asked to write a "review from the future." Apparently it went over very well.
  • June 27, 2010 - My article about tracking down and seeing Peter Brook's ELEVEN AND TWELVE is posted on
  • June 1-10, 2010 - Trip to Sydney, Australia to see Peter Brook's ELEVEN AND TWELVE at Sydney Theatre Company and feed koalas.
  • May 29, 2010 - Sit in with The Victims as a guest performer for some long-form Armando at Pocket Sandwich Theatre. 11:15 PM.
  • May 28, 2010 - Perform Dribble Funk Solo Improv. Pocket Sandwich Theatre, 5400 E. Mockingbird (one block east of 75-Central across from Mockingbird Station) Dallas, TX 75206. $10 at the door. Also playing that night The Victims and The Hindenbergs.
  • April 8-11, 2010 - CHOP plays in Arizona at the 2nd Annual Phoenix Fringe Festival.
  • April 6, 2010 - CHOP plays at the College of Santa Fe's Weckesser Studio Theatre, 3 PM. Roughly 25 students and faculty members in attendence.
  • March 11-27, 2010 - I design and co-produce VOLUME Of SMOKE for Audacity. The lovely Ruth Engel directs.
  • March 4-13, 2010 - World Premiere my one-man show CHOP at Addison Water Tower Theatre's Out of the Loop Fringe Festival.
  • February 23-March 2, 2010 - Off to NYC to work with director Andy Merkel on CHOP.
  • February 5, 2010 - Design, direct a workshop of my own play I HAVE ANGERED A GREAT GOD at FronteraFest at Austin's Hyde Park Theatre.
  • January 29, 2010 - FUN GRIP headlines the Double Barrel at the Hide Out, Austin TX.
  • January 16, 2010 - Begin teaching acting and production classes at Plano Childrens Theatre. It takes up an enormous amount of time.
  • January 13-23, 2010 - I direct and produce the remount of Matt Lyle's HELLO HUMAN FEMALE for Audacity Theatre Lab. Plays at the Teatro Dallas Space.
  • December 19-22, 2009 - Vegas, baby, Vegas!
  • Demcember 5 & 12, 2009 - My puppet play ANGEL IN THE BARN plays at the GreenZone as a collaboration between Project X and Audacity Theatre Lab. Ruth Engel directs. Presented free of charge as a gift to the Metroplex for the holidays.
  • December 3-5 & 11-12, 2009 - Perform as "Dasher" in THE EIGHT, a monologue play about tramatized reindeers for Tumorboy Productions.
  • December 2-20, 2009 - My short play RUDNICK THE CANDLE-HEADED BOY plays as part of EndTime Production's Naked Holidays 2009 in NYC.
  • November 11-21, 2009 - Design, produce and direct Greg Romero's THE MILKY WAY CABARET for Audacity Theatre Lab. Plays at the Teatro Dallas Space. Jaymes Gregory does the lighting. Greg Romero's in town opening weekend.
  • November 8, 2009 - Start playing indoor soccer with a team called the Role Models. Games every Sunday until the end of the year.
  • September 4-6, 2009 - Participated as a performer in Hip Pocket Theatre's fifth annual Cowton Puppetry Festival. This year the pagent is called CRUDE RELIC, SPENT PASTURE and was created and coordinated by puppet designers Chris Green, Erin Orr and Lake Simmons. I was the "head" of a dancing oil slick.
  • August 25-30, 2009 - In NYC to support THE BOXER at FringeNYC. My first-time attending the Fringe as a civilian. Also drank and visited with some fine folks, toured New Dramatists, made some new friends and started the ball rolling on some future projects. Good trip to New York.
  • July 27-August 2, 2009 - Attend Chicago Directors Lab as official participant. Saw Lookingglass Theatre's ARABIAN NIGHTS twice in one week. Also took workshops with Mick Napier (Annoyance Theatre), Larry Grimm (clowning/Commedia, Red Orchid Theatre), Jonathan Pitts (Storybox), and Jeremy Sher (Susuki). Also had vodka shots at the Russian Tea Room on East Adams.
  • July17-August 8, 2009 - My early play ARSENIC & ROSES gets a reboot and finally shows in Dallas as part of the 2009 Festival of Independent Theatres. Jeff Hernandez directs. Features Jeff Swearingen and Teresa Valenza. 
  • June 26, 2009 - Tumorboy Productions does fund-raiser for Gilda's Club of Dallas. Several of my monologues are presented. 
  • June 25-27, 2009 - Dallas re-mount of THE LAST CASTRATO. Plays at Teatro Dallas. I again produce, design and direct. 
  • May 23, 2009 - Participate in the Dallas Video Association's 24 Hour Video Race. Work with Palatia Motion Picture Group out of Melissa, Texas. Fun process. 5 minute musical comes out cute. 
  • May 17, 2009 - Informal reading of my play ARSENIC & ROSES in preparation for inclusion in the summer's Festival of Independent Theatres. 
  • May 14, 2009 - Attend the Undermain Theatre's 25th Anniversary Party on Lower Greenville. 
  • May 9, 2009 - Teach a combo art/acting class for kids at the Courthouse Arts Center in McKinney, Texas. For McKinney Youth Theatre.
  • April 2-5, 2009 - THE LAST CASTRATO plays at Soul Invictus Gallery at Phoenix Fringe Festival. I again direct, produce, design, board op and the like.
  • March 27 & 28, 2009 - FUN GRIP performs for family audiences at PCT as part of World Theatre Day events.
  • March 25, 2009 - Teaching playwriting and acting classes - free admission - at PCT as part of World Theatre Day week of events.
  • March 17, 2009 - St. Patrick's Day in NYC. Visit the Player's Club at Gramercy Park during the day and see Edwin Booth's quarters.
  • March 16, 2009 - My original play CHOP recieves a staged reading by NYC's developmental workshop group Cry Havoc. Will Harper acts and Andy Merkel directs the reading. Good feedback.
  • March 19, 2009 - A TALL TALE OF TEXAS opens at Plano Childrens Theatre. Plays throughout the Spring 2009. Original script written and directed by me about the history of Texas.
  • Febuary 18 - March 7, 2009 - Matt Lyle's HELLO HUMAN FEMALE plays at the Ochre House, Dallas TX. Presented by Audacity Theatre Lab. I direct, produce and design.
  • January 16, 2009 - PENS & STRINGS, a one-act I co-wrote with playwright Jeff Hernandez premieres at the Frontera Fest at Austin's Hyde Park Theatre. Produced by Audacity Theatre Lab and directed by Ruth Engel.
  • January 16, 2009 - Acted as Farmer Hogget in BABE THE SHEEP PIG at Plano Childrens Theatre. Production plays off-and-on throughout January, February and March.
  • December 22, 2008 - Perform my solo improv format Dribble Funk at Ozona in Dallas as part of the Big Sexy Rock & Roll and Improv Show. Performed alongside groups from LA and NYC. Very loud audience in a big hollow room. Chained to chorded mic for the set. Became much more storytelling/narrative-based show. 
  • December 5-14, 2008 - My original puppet play ANGEL IN THE BARN, commissioned for Plano Childrens Theatre plays for free. Donations collected for Douglass Comunity Center in Plano TX.
  • December 4-22, 2008 - I direct my own original adaptation of THE VELVETEEN RABBIT for Plano Childrens Theatre's Professional Touring Series. Plays about half a doen times over most of the month.
  • November 29, 2008 - FUN GRIP plays Cold Towne Comedy Theatre, Austin TX.
  • November 28, 2008 - FUN GRIP plays the Threefer at The Hideout, Austin TX. Sponsored by Austin Improv Collective.
  • November 21-22, 2008 - Audacity Theatre Lab goes to Phoenix AZ to attend Theatre In My Basement's Teatro Caliente. We are taking my original lesbian/death/love triangle puppet piece ROSELITA'S DEADMAN.
  • November 14-16, 2008 -Audacity Theatre Lab's production of Andy Eninger's THE LAST CASTRATO plays at the New Orleans Fringe Festival. I'm back on as director and producer.
  • October 23-26, 2008 - FUN GRIP at the New Orleans Improv Festival.
  • October 19, 2008 - in Seattle, WA the Outsider's Inn Collective reads excerpt of CHOP as part of Live Theatre Week 2008 at the Seattle Center. Great response. Outsider's Inn decides to prodiuce the piece sometime in 2009 (?).
  • October 18-19, 2008 - Engel and I take two day bike tour from Austin, TX to Lockhart to San Marcos. Also get in some Kayaking lessons on the San Marcos River.
  • October 10, 2008 - FUN GRIP at the Hideout Theatre, Austin TX.
  • September 19-21, 2008 - Participate in two seperate projects in Hip Pocket Theatre's 4th Annual Cowtown Puppet Festival. Lake Simmon and Erin Orr's pageant piece "Strings and Consequences" and Chris Green's drive-in size shadow puppet experiment "Truffaut Vs. Harryhausen."
  • September 18, 2008 - Plano Childrens Theatre's SCHOOL HOUSE ROCK LIVE opens. I'm performing. It will play off and on for months.
  • September 5, 2008 - Perform Dribble Funk at the Hideout in Austin, TX. 
  • September 4, 2008 - Attending the opening of "Beneath the Surface: 25 Years of Design at the Undermain Theatre" at the Central Dallas Public Library dowtown.
  • August 15-24, 2008 - I direct PETER PAN. The show features a youthful cast ranging in age from 6 to 16. For McKinney Youth Theatre.
  • August 4, 2008 - Plano Childrens Theatre's production of THE TOBY SHOW opens. Plays 19 times over the next three weeks. I play Toby, the loveable hick character.
  • July 23-26, 2008 - In NYC to visit my good friend and excellent actor Will Harper (and his lovely GF Brooke), eat pizza, shop at Drama Bookshop and see Undermain's GREENDALE playing at the Ohio as part of Soho Think Tank's Ice Factory Festival.
  • July 22, 2008 - My first published collection of plays comes out: Two Plays by Brad McEntire.
  • July 17, 2008 - The Festival of Independent Theatres at the Bath House Cultural Center begins. I'm performing in the Drama Club's masked old west version of Strindberg's GHOST SONATA. Jeff Schmidt directs. Lydia Mackay produces. The show plays until early August. 
  • July 9, 2008 - Plano Childrens Theatre's production of the FROG PRINCE opens and plays throughout July. I serve as director and play a small role in the piece. 
  • July 4-7, 2008 - Off to Chicago. Stay with Matt and Kim Lyle of Bootstraps Comedy Theatre. Take a Solo Improv Intensive lead by Andy Eninger at Second City. 
  • June 27 & 28, 2008 - Perform improv at PST with The Victims. There is an army of nine on stage.
  • June 22, 2008 - Commissioned to create a marionette Christmas show for Plano Childrens Theatre. This is in addition to an earlier commission to create a short educational bio-play about Ben Franklin. I start to work on an original fable called THE ANGEL IN THE BARN.
  • June 18 - July 9, 2008 - Every Wednesday for four weeks I set up a table reading series of new plays at Undermain Theatre (where I'm Literary Manager). Attempted to introduce the company to a new, pretty unknown writer. Mixed results.
  • June 14, 2008 - After a week of rehearsals, I direct the student play RONAN by Ms. Shaun Kitchens at Kichen Dog Theater & Junior Players annual PUP Fest. 
  • May 30 & 31, 2008 - FUN GRIP plays at Pocket Sandwich Theatre in Dallas. Great show on the 30th! 
  • May 7-17, 2008 - I direct, design and co-produce Greg Romero's THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LULLABY YOU'VE EVER HEARD for Audacty Theatre Lab. It plays at the Risk Theatre Space down on Ross Avenue in Dallas.
  • April 17, 29 & 30 - I perform in the touring production of Plano Childrens Theatre's WIND IN THE WILLOWS. I play Mr. Mole.
  • April 13, 2008 - Jeff Swearingen and I decide to change the name of our comedy duo from FUN DIP to FUN GRIP to avoid any future legal hassles.
  • April 12, 2008 - The Victims improv plays at Cold Towne Theatre in Austin. Good show.
  • April 11, 2008 - The Victims improv troupe play at Austin's The Hideout.
  • April 10, 2008 - I register and begin to create the Audacity Theatre Lab website.
  • March 21 & 22, 2008 - Jeff Swearingen (acting) and I (directing) put back together THE LAST CASTRATO. This time at Plano Community Theatre. Presented as a fund-raiser for ATL.
  • March 14, 2008 - FUN DIP attempts to perform fund-raiser for Audacity Theatre Lab. Cancelled due to low attendance.
  • March 8, 13, 15, 2008 - The Victims improv group plays Addison, Texas Out of the Loop Festival. The show on the 15th is horrible. 
  • February 29 & March 1, 2008 - The Victims improv group plays at the Pocket Sandwich Theatre in Dallas, Texas. 
  • February 29, 2008 - Finish first complete draft of CHOP, an original full-length solo theatre piece.
  • February 21- March 27, 2008 - I teach a once a week puppet/mask workshop for the Boys & Girls Club at the Douglass Community Centre in Plano, Texas.
  • February 17, 2008 - FUN DIP comes outta hiatus to do free show at Undermain Theatre for loyal friends. Show taped for archives.
  • February 8-16, 2008 - I direct a youth cast in WEST SIDE STORY for Plano Community Theatre. Plays at the Courtyard Theatre.
  • February 4, 2008 - My original play A TALL TALE OF TEXAS opens, Directed and designed by yours truly for the Plano Childrens Theatre's Professional Touring Series. Plays throughout February, April and May 2008. I learn PCT is not a good place to "develop" new plays.
  • February 1-3, 2008 - In NYC to drink with the Harper and see Greg Romero's epic work-in-progress RADIO GHOSTS.
  • January 31, 2008 - Produce one-night-only production of A.V. Phibes' GRADING ON A CURVE for new Audacity Theatre Lab. At Austin's FronteraFest at the Hyde Park Theatre. Ruth Engel directs. Jamie Marchi reprises her role as the narrator. 
  • December 18-21, 2007 - In NYC to see Kevin Kline in CYRANO DE BERGERAC on Broadway. Staying with the Phibes.
  • December 16 & 17, 2007 - The world premiere/workshop version of ROSALITA'S DEAD MAN at Bobbindoctrin's 4th Annual Puppetry Festival, Houston TX. This is a work-in-progress excerpt of a larger puppet/mask work called THE LUNATIST [AND RELATED TALES OF WOE].
  • December 14-23, 2007 - Directed and designed SCROOGE for Plano Community Theatre. Challenging foray into community theatre, but audeinces seemed to love it. Box office sells really well. 
  • December 7-18, 2007 - Directed and designed Plano Childrens Theatre's WINNIE-THE-POOH HOLIDAY TAIL which plays for young audiences.
  • October 29-November 4, 2007 - I'm in the ensemble of Plano Children's Theatre's touring production of SCHOOL HOUSE ROCK! It plays this week at the Plano Courtyard Theatre. 
  • October 26 & 27, 2007 - The Victims perform at the Pocket Sandwich Theatre. 
  • October 15-21, 2007 - I play various parts in various parts of Susan-Lori Park's deal "365 Plays/365 Days" at the Dallas Theatre Center. 
  • September 29, 2007 - The Victims perform a split bill with NYC's Pembroke & Lu at the Pocket Sandwich Theatre, Dallas.
  • September 29, 2007 - A reprise of Hip Pocket Theatre's "The Lost Garden Party" Puppet Pageant on the lawn of the Kimball Art Museum, Ft. Worth. Again, I played the thunder cloud, Cumulus.
  • September 28, 2007 - The Victims perform improv at the Pocket Sandwich Theatre, Dallas. 
  • September 22, 2007 - Fun Dip performs a split bill with the home group of Austin's ColdTowne Comedy Theatre in Austin.
  • September 14-16, 2007 - after a week-long workshop working with New York puppeteers Erin Orr and Chris Green, I participate in Hip Pocket Theatre's Cowtown Puppety Festival. I play Cumulus the Thunder Cloud antagonist in "The Lost Garden Party" pageant play.
  • August 30, 2007 - Brad joins Dallas-based improv group The Victims and performs in Austin, Texas at the Out of Bounds Improv Festival and Miniature Golf Tournament.
  • August 24, 2007 - Guest performer in improv show for youth audiences with The Victims at Plano Childrens Theatre. 
  • August 18, 2007 - Perform with The Victims at the Undermain Theatre, Dallas. We are the first comedy troupe to perform in this theatre in its 25 year history.
  • August 10, 2007 - Fun Dip performs alongside the lovely ladies of The Pyrate Sisters All-Girl Sideshow at Mo Pitkin's House of Satisfaction in NYC. 
  • August 6-11, 2007 - Participating in clown workshop with NY Goofs in NYC. Instructors include Larry Pisoni of the Pickle Family Circus, Barry "Mr. Grandma" Lubin and John "Mr. Fish" Lepiarz of the Big Apple Circus.
  • August 3, 2007 - Fly to New York City to visit A.V. Phibes.
  • July 31, 2007 - Fly to Dublin, Ireland.
  • July 28, 2007 - Off to Paris, France to visit Peter Brook's International Center for Theatre Creations (C.I.C.T.) at the Bouffes du Nord Theatre. It is closed, but I do make a pilgrimage to Oscar Wilde's tomb while in town.
  • July 26, 2007 - Seeing Andrew Kim's VERTIGO OF SHEEP at the Buxton Puppet Festival, UK. 
  • July 16, 2007 - Leaving Hong Kong. Off to visit puppeteer Jen Pearcy in London.
  • July 2-14, 2007 - Participating in a clown workshop conducted by Spanish clown Andreu Segura. In Hong Kong.
  • June 23, 2007 - Mask workshop with All Theatre Company's Hoi Chiu at the Fringe Club, Hong Kong.
  • June 13-18,2007 - I am the MC, meaning I rap and beat box throughout the play, for 11 VARIATIONS OF FRIAR JOHN'S FAILURE for Phoenixation Productions, Fringe Club, Hong Kong.
  • June 11, 2007 - I'm giving a free workshop on Dribble Funk Solo Improvisation at the DE Studio Theatre, Hong Kong, 6PM. Emphasis on story structure.
  • June 8 & 9, 2007 - Perform several solo theatre pieces as part of LATE NIGHT SHOTS: AN EVENING OF INTOXICATING SOLO WORKS. My performances include a short DRIBBLE FUNK improv and a clown/puppet piece called MR. FRUMP'S FLIGHT AT NIGHT. Actress Jenna Verdicchio performs my piece FIRST VIBRATOR and Louisa Caraffi performs WAR & PEACE. At Le Rideau Theatre Cafe, Hong Kong.
  • June 6, 2007 - I'm featured, along with director Ruth Engel, on RTHK Radio's "Morning Brew with Phil Whelan" talking about solo improv and LATE NIGHT SHOTS. Click here to listen (I'm in the third segement around 7 minutes and 30 seconds into it)
  • May 14-18, 2007 - I play the small part of a Russian pimp in THE REAL SUSIE: SEX WORKERS IN HONG KONG, Directed by Kat Cooper for Red Room Arts, at the Fringe Club Theatre.
  • April 18-21, 2007 - My early one-act ARSENIC & ROSES plays in Hong Kong, Directed by Ruth Engel, for DEER Theatre. 
  • April 7, 8, 9 & 15, 2007 - RAPUNZEL plays at the Peak Galleria, Victoria Peak, Hong Kong. 
  • April 6 & 7, 2007 - Fun Dip plays Hong Kong. Two nights of long-form at Le Rideau Theatre Cafe. Kicked ass all around! Even played our first encore!
  • April 5, 2007 - Fun Dip featured on Hong Kong television, to promote our HK shows. Live broadcast of interview with Brian Hodgson on Hong Kong's cable channel 27. The show is called "What's Up After 8?"
  • February 25, 2007 - A few of my plays are listed on the Small-Cast One-Act Guide Online 
  • February 23 & 24, 2007 - My painting "Should I or Shouldn't I?" will show at the Karin Weber Gallery in SoHo, Central, Hong Kong. I've donated it as part of a series called Women in Conflict for the V-Day (Vagina Monologues) Silent Auction. 
  • February 14-23, 2007 - Trekking in Nepal.
  • February 9 & 10, 2007 - THE LAST CASTRATO, directed by yours truly and featuring Swearingen goes up in Austin, Texas at the Blue Theatre. Co-production from Audacity and RedHouse Arts. 
  • November 2006 - Meet Simon Wong and get invited to visit Ming-Ri Puppetry Institute.
  • October 22-29, 2006 - Production of my original shadow-puppet musical adaptation of RAPUNZEL plays in Hong Kong.
  • September 16, 2006 - McEntire is added to
  • July 6, 2006 - Heading off to Hong Kong for a year.
  • July 2, 2006 - Staged Reading of my play SEVEN PIECES OF A TANGRAM.
  • June 23 & 24, 2006 - Fun Dip performs last show of 2006 at the Pocket Sandwich. 
  • June 19, 2006 - Get eye surgery which hurts (chalazion). Doing AMELIA BEDELIA (I play the Mayor) at Plano Childrens Theatre during the mornings for travel cash. 
  • June 16, 2006 - Made an officially ordained minister of the Universal Life Church. Now called Reverend Brad McEntire. 
  • June 10, 2006 - McEntire invited to be a participant in Dancing Tongue Cabaret's Dada evening. Perform "Lizard Boy" amongst other things nonsensical.
  • April 20-22, 2006 - Perform in MIRANDOLINA, MISTRESS OF THE INN at TWU. It is an outdoor Commedia show and I sweat through my mask. It is directed by Jayme's Gregory.
  • May 27, 2006 - Dribble Funk at Tulsa, Oklahoma's Nightingale Theatre. Show cancelled at last minute because of low attendance.
  • May 19, 2006 - Fun Dip plays at Austin's XL Funnywriter Festival, doing old-school sketch. Goes pretty well despite the fact I have food poisoning.
  • March 28, 2006 - Fun Dip plays at Mo Pitkins' House of Satisfaction in NYC with sketch group Rash Behavior. Fun Dip kicks royal amounts of ass!
  • March 25, 2006 - Dribble Funk Street Squad members Ruth Engel and Cassidy Crown help McEntire represent the D'Funk in the Undermain Theatre's 2006 World Theatre Day Parade in Dallas' Deep Ellum District.
  • March 2, 2006 - French Club Dropouts at West End Comedy Theatre. 8 PM.
  • February 18, 2006 - Dribble Funk show at West End Comedy Theatre cancelled due to bad weather. But Fun Dip performs at the Pocket Sandwich Theatre later that night and kicks ass!
  • February 17, 2006 - Fun Dip show at West End Comedy Theatre. 11 PM.
  • February 9, 2006 - Andrea Grimes of the Dallas Observer writes a nice little blurb on Dribble Funk. Thanks, Andrea.
  • January 11, 2006 - Special thanks to Street Squad member Cassidy Crown for posting Dribble Funk project info on her website.
  • December 1, 2005 - Our Endeavors Theatre Collective closes shop. I am sad. 
  • December 1, 2005 - Jeff Swearingen and I perform long-form improvisation with the French Club Dropouts at the West End Comedy Theatre. There are only three audience members. We are saddened by this. We hatch idea of doing a new long-form show. Two-person improv. We will call it Fun Dip. We will mount it after the New Year... 
  • November 11 & 18, 2005 - Mr. Jaymes Gregory (the guitarist) and I premiered the newest version of the Dribble Funk at the Avenue Arts Venue in Dallas. Over the two night run, the format really started to come together. Mr. Gregory and I decide to continue performing, developing and touring the show.
  • October 29, 2005 - Performed with French Club Dropouts at the West End Comedy Theatre.
  • October 27, 2005 - French Club Dropouts at the West End Comedy Theatre.
  • October 9, 2005 - Just finished performing in THE MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER as part of my Grad studies at TWU. Show sold well and was okay. Mostly just a good group of people goofing around and calling it education...
  • September 8,2005 - I've just returned from the 2005 Out of Bounds Improv Festival and Mini-Golf Tournament in Austin, TX where I performed the last ever Mild Dementia show, and the first ever out-of-town performance for French Club Dropouts.
  • August 28, 2005 - Have returned from NYC where I directed and produced THE LAST CASTRATO for Audacity Productions. Jeff Swearingen was the actor in this devilish little one-man show about a man born without a penis and his tragic love affair with a woman who was born with her skin is inside out. Drank a lot, networked, and recharged the creative engines...
  • August 9, 2005 - I've been invited to be an ensemble member of the Our Endeavors Theater Collective. Really a great, innovative, hard-working group. I, of course, said yes. Huzzah! 
  • August 6, 2005 - The FIT (Festival of Independent Theatres) here in Dallas just ended. Produced for Audacity the show GOSPEL OF THE JUNKYARD. Jaymes Gregory wrote and directed and, man, he and his cast and crew really kicked ass. Great press and equally great audience and colleague response. Mild Dementia performed, too. Both shows were great! 
  • Summer 2005 - Collaborate with David Lozano and Frida Muller of Cara Mia Theatre on a billingual play for school audiences about the history of Texas. SEARCHING FOR THE SIX FLAGS OF TEXAS is the result. I stick around and play Bonnigan the scientist for the first several shows.
  • July 21 - August 6, 2005 - Direct Mamet's SPEED-THE-PLOW for Tim Shane's HUB Theatre, Deep Ellum, Dallas TX.
  • July 31, 2005 - Just wrapped up the First Annual Dallas Comedy Festival. I served as a sort of a co-producer/coordinator. French Club Dropouts performed (twice!) as well as Mild Dementia (don't ask... highly unsatisfied with this show!)
  • June 22 - August 13, 2005 - My monologue "Roy, The Drunken Ex-Boyfriend" is included in martice Enterprise's drag cabaret Pico De Gallo: The Return of the Queen! at the Latino Cultural Center, Dallas TX.
  • June 15 - 29, 2005 - Play Long John Silver in TREASURE ISLAND in the mornings at Plano Children's Theatre, cause I need the money.
  • April 14-16, 2005 - Perform in ACCOMPLICE for TWU.
  • March 11 & 12, 2005 - Perform Dribble Funk at WECT.
  • March - May 2005 - Work as an intern at Our Endeavors Theater Collective, receiving grad school credit.
  • February 15 - March 8, 2005 - Perform first ever Dribble Funk Solo Improv at the West End Comedy Theatre, Dallas TX. On Tuesdays.
  • January 24 - late February - I am an intern at Plano repertory Theatre, getting grad school credit. Work on marketing and patron services with B.J. Evans.

  • November 20, 2004 - Perform original monologue Judy, based on my piece Roy, The Ex-Boyfriend on Mars at the Ft. Worth Museum of Modern Art as part of a TWU school assignment. 2 PM.

  • October 26, 2004 - Listened to an amazing and inspiring lecture by musician/composer David Amram at TWU, Denton TX.
  • October 16, 2004 - Mild Dementia plays the West End Comedy Theatre, 8 PM, 603 Munger, Suite 100B, Dallas Alley.
  • October 14-16, 2004 - I direct two pieces in THE THURBER CARNIVAL, a student production at Texas Woman's University.
  • October 9, 2004 - Perform an original piece called THE LUNATIST at Single File: A Solo Performance Festival, Chicago, IL.
  • September 10-12, 2004 - Mild dementia plays at the Out of Bounds Comedy Festival (and Miniature Golf Tournament), Hideout Theatre, Austin TX.
  • August 30, 2004 - Start Grad School at Texas Woman's University, Denton TX.
  • August 14, 2004 - Present NOTES FROM  A PODIUM for WordSpace at Undermain Theatre. Evening called "Texas Unbound 3: Indigenous Dallas."
  • May 24-29, 2004 - Direct three short solo pieces in a collective evening called Single Servings. Jeff Swearingen performing my BURDEN OF A LIGHT BLUE SHIRT, Rasa Hollender performing Greg Romero's THE GREAT ONE and Jamie Marchi performing Alia Madden's GRADING ON A CURVE. The second act finds me performing a devised piece directed by Wes Copeland called THE SMARTEST MAN IN THE WHOLE DAMN WORLD.
  • May 8, 2004 - Mild Dementia plays the West End Comedy Theatre, 8 PM. On a bill with H.A.R.D. Co hip-hop group.
  • March 31 - April 18, 2004 - Perform in Our Endeavors Theatre Collective's DAINTY SHAPES AND HAIRY APES, (Or the Green Pill) by Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz at the McKinney Avenue Contemporary. Directed by Scott Osborne.
  • March 11 - April 4, 2004 - My very short play UNICORNS plays as part of the Buffalo Quickies Short Play Fest at the Alleyway, Theatre in Buffalo, NY.
  • Feb 2 - March 15, 2004 - Perform once or twice a week in Plano Childrens Theatre's Touring show WINNIE THE POOH.
  • January 20 - May 25, 2004 - Teach a high school theatre class twice a week at Yavneh Academy, Dallas TX.
  • January 23, 2004 - Premiered a solo performance piece THE SMARTEST MAN IN THE WHOLE DAMN WORLD at Austin's FronteraFest at the Hyde Park Theatre. Directed and co-developed by Wes Copeland. Written by Chris Alonzo, Cindy Brown-Melton, Josh Nanninga, Jason T. Rice & Tim Shane.
  • November 29, 2003 - Mild Dementia plays in Tulsa. Just Will, Jeff and Brad. Nightingale Theatre, Tulsa, OK. Legendary blues song improv in this show.
  • November 20, 2003 - Mild Dementia plays Ozona Bar & Theatre in Dallas, TX. 9 pm. Guest performer Jeff Hernandez. Does "Map of Woe."
  • November 6, 2003 - Mild Dementia plays Ozona Bar & Theatre in Dallas, TX. 9 pm.
  • October 23, 2003 - Mild Dementia plays Ozona Bar & Theatre in Dallas, TX. 9 pm.
  • September 11-28, 2003 - I'm playing Conrade in Classical Acting Company's production of MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING, directed by Chris Pickles.
  • August 16, 2003 - Mild Dementia plays double bill with Well Hung Jury (from Austin) at the Art Centre Theatre, Plano TX.
  • July 11 - August 2, 2003 - I direct Mac Wellman's CLEVELAND at the Festival of Independent Theatres (FIT) for Audacity Productions. At the Bath House Cultural Center, Dallas TX.
  • July 14 -19, 2003 - Act as Bob the Sheep in David Mamet's Revenge of the Space Pandas at Plano Repertory Theatre. Jeff Swearingen is Binky, Leslie Patrick as Vivian and Justin A. P. Jones as the Supreme Ruler. Directed by Ryan pointer.
  • May 3 & 9, 2003 - Ryan Pointer directs my play ARSENIC & ROSES at the Flower Mound New Works Festival, Barn Door Theatre, Flower Mound TX. Features actors Jeff Swearingen and Leslie Patrick.
  • March 28 - April 19, 2003 - I both direct and play Chief Surgeon Dr. Wyandotte in Brian Parks' Play GONER for Audacity Productions. At the Bath House Cultural center, Dallas TX.
  • January 5, 2003 - Mild Dementia performs.
  • December 18, 2002 - Mild Dementia plays Dusty's Bar in Denton, TX.
  • October 14, 2002 - Mild dementia plays Ozona Bar & Theatre, Dallas TX.
  • September 20 - October 13, 2002 - Adapt and direct William Shakespeare's MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING at the Carrollton Amphitheatre, 2035 E. Jackson Road, Carrollton, TX 75006. Featuring Vikas Adam, Brendan Ahern, Karyn Lush, Jimmi Wright, Jamey Jamison, Christie Beckham, Valerie Hauss-Smith and Tim Shane.
  • August 7, 2002 - Mild Dementia plays Ozona Bar and Theatre, Dallas TX.
  • Summer 2002 - Performed as Capitano in ANDROCLES & THE LION by Audrey Harris. Directed by Noelia Sanez. For Plano Rep. At the Children’s Series / Plano Heritage Farmstead.
  • March 16, 2002 - Mild Dementia plays at the Water Tower Theatre's Out of the Loop Festival, Addison, TX. We're in the main space.
  • March 14-23, 2002 -  I direct and perform the role of Dr. Faustus in Mickle Maher's AN APOLOGY FOR THE COURSE AND OUTCOME OF CERTAIN EVENTS DELIVERED BY DOCTOR JOHN FAUSTUS ON THIS HIS FINAL EVENING at the Bath House Cultural Center in Dallas, TX.
  • March 8 & 9, 2002 -  I direct and perform the role of Dr. Faustus in Mickle Maher's AN APOLOGY FOR THE COURSE AND OUTCOME OF CERTAIN EVENTS DELIVERED BY DOCTOR JOHN FAUSTUS ON THIS HIS FINAL EVENING at the Out of the Loop Festival at Addison's Water Tower Theatre.
  • January 15-26, 2002 - Two Rooms and a Big Place, a collection of three plays: Jason Stuart's ELEPHANT ROOM, Steve Spehar's THE FRONTIER, Michael Allegra's COFFEE ROOM. Put on at the Bath House Cultural Center by Audacity Productions. I produced the whole collection, acted (in COFFEE ROOM) and directed (THE FRONTIER).
  • December 5, 2001 - Mild Dementia plays a Starbucks in Plano, TX.
  • December 1, 2001 - Staged Reading of plays by me and Michael Allegra at the Carrollton Public Library, Frankford Village Branch.
  • November 3, 2001 - Presented Betsy's Monologue about Disney from RED PAJAMA BLUES at No Shame, a performance open mic event, in Austin, TX. At the Hideout Theatre.
  • October 19 & 20, 2001 - Participate in a Staged Reading of Lexie Labove's play TURING FOR HOME at the BHCC, Dallas TX. For WingSpan Theatre. Directed by James Paul Lemons.
  • October 5 & 6, 2001 - My sketch show MORE THAN FRIENDS plays at the Mind Over Money Theatrical Festival in Austin, TX. We're at the Hideout Theatre. Produced by Audacity Theatre Lab. We are the closing show of the festival.
  • September 10, 2001 - Fly out of LaGuardia airport on red eye home to Texas, expecting to stay for two weeks, then return to New York. Woke up the next morning and realized that wasn't gonna happen. Stuck back in Texas.
  • August 19-25, 2001 - My play RED PAJAMA BLUES plays the New York International Fringe Festival. At the Paradise Theatre, 64 East 4th Street, Lower East Side, New York City. Produced by Audacity Productions. Directed by me. Featuring Steve Ross, Jennifer Ward, Nichole Greevy, Jacqueline Kabat and Todd Faulkner.
  • August 27 - September 3, 2001 - Actor in THE HALOCLINE, a short film for my friend, director Dogan Barns. Filming around NYC, Queens and New Jersey.
  • July 5-21, 2001 - I direct Rover Drama Werks debut production, Edward Albee's EVEYTHING IN THE GARDEN. It plays at the Addison Centre Theatre. I have to leave for NYC June 23, so the final rehearsals and tech is overseen by Jason Rice. Miraculously, the show comes out pretty nicely.
  • June 28- August 29, 2001 - Move to New York City. Intern all summer with Aquila Theatre. Work primarily as Assistant House Manager for MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING at the off-Broadway Bleecker Street Theatre in the East Village (45 Bleecker Street, New York City, NY 10003).
  • June 24 - August 3, 2001 - Aquila Theatre Workshops (1-4 pm daily) at NYU.
  • June 27, 2001 -  My piece ___ is read as part of a fund-raising party by Square Peg Theatre, NYC.
  • May 17-19, 2001 - Direct Jason Stuart's play TANGRAM at Quad C Theatre's Alt Lab Studio Collin County Community College. Produced by Audacity Productions. Featuring Jason, Stephanie Young and Julie Osborne.
  • April 26 & 27, 2001 - Direct Darrin Shaughnessy's THE MANAGER one-act with student cast and crew at R.L Turner High School.
  • March 29 - April 14, 2001 - I perform in ProgreXsive Arts production of THE L PLAY by Beth Henley, directed by Vikas Adam. Bath House Cultural Center, Dallas TX.
  • March 2 2001 - Write for and direct group of R. L. Turner high school kids in THE COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE GREAT STATE OF TEXAS FROM THE VERY MOST BEGINNING OF TIME, ABRIDGED. Performed at the Farmers Branch Historical Park.
  • March 9 & 10, 2001 - Comedy Troupe Mild Dementia performs More Than Friends. Produced by Audacity Productions and PXArts. Performed in rehearsal studio in Garland, TX
  • January 25-27, 2001 - Direct a bunch of great students in the musical ONCE UPON A MATTRESS at R. L. Turnr High School, Carrollton TX.
  • December 2000 - Comedy Troupe Mild Dementia performs The HO! Show. Produced by Audacity Productions and PXArts.
  • November 2-4, 2000 - I direct a group of high school students in Shakespeare's A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. R. L. Turner High School, Carrollton TX.
  • August 19-25, 2000 - I produce Lief Wood's play SLICK KADMON V. GOD at the New York International Fringe Festival. A co-production between Audacity Productions and Pop Culture Poets.
  • July 30, 2000 - Scene Night at Borders Bookstore, Lewisville TX. Audacity Productions. Michael Urie and Kathryn Merry perform a scene from Albee's EVERYTHING IN THE GARDEN. Tiffany Kellerman and I perform an excerpt from John Guare's LOVLIEST AFTERNOON OF THE YEAR. 
  • July 27 & 28, 2000 - Perform Nathan Detroit in a community production of GUYS & DOLLS at United Methodist Church, Dallas TX.
  • June 13, 2000 - Mild Dementia at Starbucks @ 8 pm, Plano, TX
  • June 2000 - Audacity Productions presents a Staged Reading at Borders Books, Lewisville TX.  Act 1 of my play FOR THE LOVE OF AN ANESTHESIOLOGIST is read by Jason Stuart, Me, Jennifer Pearcy and others.
  • June 2,3,9,10, 2000 - Direct and act in (as Estragon) a production of Samuel Beckett's WAITING FOR GODOT at the Carrollton Amphitheatre. For Audacity Productions.
  • May 20, 2000 - Produce ONE DAY ONLY! a 24-hour play festival through Audacity Productions. Plays include THE BEST IS YET TO COME by Brad McEntire (me), Directed by Carol Rice, MORNING by Donald Barbee, Directed by Vikas Adam, THE ELEPHANT ROOM by Jason Stuart, Directed by Mitch Carr, THE DERELTH MYTHOS (right) by Phil Gonzales, Directed by Jen Pearcy, INVISIBLE TICKET by Lief Woods, Directed by Jason T. Rice. First production of Audacity Productions at the Black Box Studio at Quad C Theatre, Plano, Texas.
  • May 5, 2000 - Final show of Mac Wellman's CLEVELAND at R. L. Turner High School. My students did not advance in UIL, so we did a public showing. Featured student actors Matt Brundige, Mari Burke, Josh Campbell, Stephanie Jakob, Maggie Le, Dana Maracine, niki Markle, Patrick Parker, Carrie Sumner and Sam Thach.
  • April 15, 2000 - Reading of my play ARSENIC & ROSES in Borders Books Cafe, Lewisville, TX. With Jason Stuart and Brynne Shipman.
  • March 17 - April 9, 2000 - Performed as Joe Gargery in Plano Rep's production of GREAT EXPECTATIONS. Directed by Mark Fleischer
  • March 10, 2000 - First play reading of Audacity Productions at Art Centre of Plano. Read my play RED PAJAMA BLUES and Michael Allegra's COFFEE ROOM. With Hilary Brawner, Dan McDonald, Denise Castillo, Josh Campbell and Tiffany Kellerman.
  • January 27-22, 2000 - Directed a high school production of HOW TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS... at R.L. Turner High School, Carrollton TX.
  • October 23 & 24 1999 - Directed Samuel Wallin's 10-minute play BOOGIE MAN at Theater-Studio, Inc. NYC with Kate Benson, Kyle Knauf, Jamie Bonelli and Eric Doss.
  • October 14-16, 1999 - Co-directed (with Joe Stillman) Betsy Barber's play THROUGH THE WINDOW at Expanded Arts, 85 Ludlow Street, NYC
  • October 10 & 11, 1999 - performed in a short film for New York Film Academy. Riel Aaron's BOOKMARK.
  • Summer 1999 - Perform at various venues in NYC including the Telephone Bar with sketch comedy group Molotov Cockroach. With Lydia Ogden, Jacqueline Kabat, Kenny Marshall and Erin Scott.
  • July 1999 - My play RED PAJAMA BLUES plays at Expanded Arts. I direct. With Rick and Lisa Trader, Jackie Kabat, Jenn and Todd. With Sean Boat stage managing.

  • April 29 - May 2, 1999 - Perform in A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM at Jan Hus Theatre (in a church basement), 351 East 74th Street, NYC. For Foolish Mortals Productions. Directed by Wendy Claire Barrie.
  • February 1999 - Board Op for Reverie Productions' DREAM OF HEAVEN AND HELL by Courtney Baron, directed by Carl Forsman. At Walker Space, Tribeca, NYC.
  • February 1999 - Staged Reading of my play RED PAJAMA BLUES at Walker Space, Tribeca NYC. Produced by Reverie Productions and directed by Kyle Knauf.
  • November 1998 - first visit to NYC. Stay with my friend Trish Vecchio. Make some swell contacts.
  • October 15 - November 8 1998 - Play an "Attendant" and understudy for Van Helsing at Plano Rep in DRACULA by Steven Dietz. Directed by Terry Martin.
  • August 27 - September 20, 1998 - Played Sebastian in THE TEMPEST by Willliam Shakespeare at Plano Rep. Director: Mark D. Fleischer.
  • May 16, 1998 - Graduate with a BFA in Theatre from College of Santa Fe.
  • April 1997 - act in Joseph "Chip" Loser's video project Apocaplyse Eve at the College of Santa Fe.
  • February 22-24, 1997 - Perform Lewis Hale in TRIFLES by Susan Glaspell. Weckesser Studio, College of Santa Fe.
  • December 1996 - I write and direct my first one-act play ARSENIC & ROSES. ACtors are Josh jacobson and Mandy Putman. Weckesser Studio, College of Santa Fe.
  • July 23, 1996 - Perform one-man clown show as Frump: Master of Dexterity at Carrollton Public Library, Frankford Village Branch.
  • October 1996 - Perform Old Mahon at the College of Santa Fe in PLAYBOY OF THE WESTERN WORLD. Directed by Wendy Chapin.
  • September 1994 - Performed Det. Mike Dixon in ESCAPE FROM HAPPINESS, Greer Garson Theatre, College of Santa Fe. Directed by Phil Chapman.
  • August 6, 1994 - Perform one-man clown show as Frump at Carrollton Public Library, Franford Village Branch.