I had a broad swath year as far as creating new art. I didn't do any really big projects (unless you maybe count DRIBBLE FUNK 380 for sheer ballsiness or DINOSAUR AND ROBOT STOP A TRAIN for imaginative awesomeness), but looking back, I covered a lot of ground. Here's a look back...
In January I did a PrintBomb Project, hiding my print "Anything Is Possible" in a bunch of places at the flagship Half Price Books |
In February I directed student actors in a student-written one-act at Tarrant County College |
Read my short piece BURDEN OF A LIGHT BLUE SHIRT at Austin's No Shame in March. |
| In March I also attended the Staple! Expo and sold a few (very few) of my books and postcards |
In April, FUN GRIP played the Improvised Play Festival at Austin's Hideout Theatre. |
Participated in Rover Dramawerk's One Day Only! XX, a 24 Hour Play event. An event I founded in 2000. My play was SHARK BITES AND SIDE EFFECTS. |
In April, I also saw my commissioned play CARTER STUBBS TAKES FLIGHT put on in a wonderful production by Denton's Sundown Collaborative Theatre, directed by Tashina Richardson.
In May, I taught a solo improv workshop as part of the 2013 Big Sexy Weekend of Improv for the Alternative Comedy Theatre.
In June I premiered my play DINOSAUR AND ROBOT STOP A TRAIN at the 2013 Festival of Independent Theatres. Next to CHOP, this play is what I'm most proud of from all of my theatre work to date.
I directed high school students in student playwright Naomi Cohen's play BACON IS NOT KOSHER at Junior Players/Kitchen Dog Theatre's PUPFest.
In June I taught youth drama camps for Junior Players. The smiling brunette kid in the middle is my niece, Kylie. It was nice to have her in one of the classes.
In July, FUN GRIP played at the 2013 Improv Festival of Oklahoma. |
In August, Ruth and I went to Columbus, Ohio to attend the 2013 Weapons of Mass Creation Fest. It was a weekend of design, illustration, music, inspiration and goodness.
Since 2005 I have been developing a solo improvisational format called Dribble Funk. The longest I had previously performed the piece had been 50 minutes. On September 1, 2013 I stood alone on the stage and created nearly six and half hours of spontaneous theatre. From an audience suggestion he will played all the characters, create all the environments and drove the story forward - which included Broadway producers, top secret labs, a bus crash, FBI agents, aliens, mobsters and ninjas - single-handedly. It was epic.
I played dozens of characters and and unfolded a completely spontaneous story arc. It was called DRIBBLE FUNK 380 and was the performance equivalent of climbing a big-ass mountain.
In October, I directed my own play RASPBERRY FIZZ for a run at the 2013 Houston Fringe Festival. I performed in it along with Travis Steubing and Tashina Richardson.
In October Space-Gun Studios and Audacity Theatre Lab released a recording of me reading David Hopkins' short story SIX SECONDS LEFT as audio fiction. Hear it HERE.
In November I took my solo show CHOP to the SoloMania Fest in New Orleans. It played at the Shadow Box Theatre.
RASPBERRY FIZZ played several shows in Dallas at the Margo Jones Theatre in Fair Park in November. |
As a curtain-raiser for RASPBERRY FIZZ, I directed Lauren Moore in A. V. Phibes' short solo piece GRADING ON A CURVE. |
All in all, 2013 was a productive year.
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